Mukaidono Safety Award The Safety Assessor Council presents the award for outstanding contribution to Mr. Friedrich H. Harleß
Distinguished Professor Mukaidono
dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
When I heard that I am the laureate of the prestigious Mukaidono Safety Award in the year 2018 this was an unbelievable surprise for me and it really took me some time to realize the honour which is associated with this award.
It was in the year 2002 when I met Dr. Fujita for the first time who contacted me in those days as chairman of IEC TC 44 “Electrical aspects of machinery safety” and chairman of the Advisory Committee on Safety ACOS. We discussed the systematic of machinery safety system in IEC and ISO, particularly the benefit of a systematic risk assessment. One outcome of this was the machinery safety certification scheme in Japan with which the safety assessor system was installed.
Secondly, we discussed possibly suitable projects of NECA member companies which were suitable to be implemented as New Work Item Proposals in IEC. It makes me happy to see that Japanese activities in Technical Committees in the IEC have significantly increased.
Last but not least please let me express once again that I am really proud of having received the prestigious Mukaidono Safety Award and that it makes me really happy to hear that some Japanese standardization projects could be successfully installed in IEC.
Thank you very much once again and looking forward to hear also in future about.
思い返しますと、Dr. 藤田とのお付き合いが始まったのは 2002年でした。私がIEC 44 「機械類の安全性ー電気的側面」と安全諮問委員会ACOSの議長を務めていた頃です。Dr. 藤田と議論したトピックのひとつは、IECやISOの機械安全制度の制度運用、とくにリスクアセスメントの制度づくりでした。この時の議論が元となり、日本における機械安全認証制度が形作られ、のちのセーフティアセッサ制度確立につながったのです。
Mukaidono Safety Award The Safety Assessor Council presents the award for outstanding contribution to Dr. Pete Kines
労働安全衛生分野における世界一級の研究者として、新時代の労働安全衛生の概念であるVision Zero(VZ)の根幹を創生するとともに、日本においても、相互啓発による安全文化構築を指南するなど、トップマネジメントの安全への関与の重要性を指摘、提唱に大きく貢献した。
Dear Ladies and Gentleman,
I am extremely honored to receive the Mukaidono Safety Award 2018. Many safety initiatives originated in Japan going back to the Toshibumi Gamo inspired ‘Safety first’ campaign in 1919, and the ‘Zero-Accident Total Participation Campaign’ in 1973. Vision Zero strategies are all around us now, from the food and beverages we consume with zero sugar and fat, to zero defects in manufacturing and a global focus on zero waste and pollution. Countries, governmental organizations and companies are adopting Vision Zero strategies such as in traffic, fire and patient safety, to violence, assault and suicide prevention. With the current globalization trends and technological advances, the time is right for integrating Vision Zero strategies for workplace health, safety and wellbeing into company business strategies, processes and practice.
Professor Masao Mukaidono has played, and continues to play a commendable, key role in shaping safety science in Japan and abroad, including inspiring the ‘collaborative safety’ concept with humans and robots. My institution (NFA) is proud to be a part of the international cooperation with Vision Zero and collaborative safety. I would like to recognize the collaboration between the institutes and colleagues in the Partnership of European Research in Occupational Health and Safety (PEROSH), the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Japan Industrial Safety and Health Association (JISHA), and Dr. Toshihiro Fujita and the Institute of Global Safety Promotion (IGSAP). To all of them, I am deeply grateful, and I wish you a successful launch and journey with Vision Zero.
Vision Zero の手法は、現在あらゆる場面で取り入れられています。例を挙げると、食品・飲料分野ではノンシュガー、ノンファット。製造業においては欠陥ゼロ。そして廃棄物ゼロや汚染ゼロに対する取組みも全世界で進んでいます。
交通や消防、医療安全分野、さらに暴力、暴行、自殺予防の面でも国家・政府機関・企業レベルで活用されています。グローバル化と技術の進化を考えると、今はまさに、職場の健康・安全・幸福を実現する Vision Zero 戦略を企業のビジネス戦略やプロセス、実務に適用する絶好のタイミングなのです。
私が所属するデンマーク国立労働環境研究センター(NFA)は、Vision Zero および協調安全における国際協力の一端を担うことを誇りに思っております。欧州安全衛生研究機関協力機構(PEROSH)、経済産業省(METI)、中央労働災害防止協会(JISHA)、Dr. 藤田、そしてセーフティグローバル推進機構(IGSAP)の協調関係は大変意義深いものであります。
このたびの受賞にあたりまして、皆様に感謝申し上げると共に、Vision Zero ローンチの成功と今後の発展を心よりお祈り申し上げます。